

2024-08-02 醫學生物科技博士學位學程


一、論文輔導委員會Dissertation Advisory Committee(DAC):

  1. 研究生應於第一學期結束前選定指導老師,並於博二學年結束前由指導老師組成論文輔導委員會,此委員會置委員三至五人(含指導老師),並由學程主任指定委員一人擔任召集人(指導老師不得擔任召集人)。
    The student should select a dissertation advisor before the end of the first semester, and the advisor should initiate the DAC before the end of the second school year. The Committee has three to five members (including the advisor), and the Program Director appoints the convener (the advisor is not allowed to serve as convener).
  2. 自博三起,每學年向論文輔導委員會進行至少一次的進度報告。
    Starting from the third year, the student must present at least one progress report to the Committee every academic year.

二、資格考Qualifying Examination:

  1. 博二(含)以上研究生修滿學程規定之必修至少10學分(含研究倫理0學分)後,得申請資格考試。
    After completing the 10 required credits (including Research ethics 0 credit), second-year graduate students may apply for the Qualifying Examination.
  2. 資格考試須在博三(含)結束前完成,可考二次,若仍不及格者,應令退學。通過資格考後,即成為博士學位候選人。
    The Qualifying Examination must be completed before the end of the third year. Students can take the Examination twice, if they fail, they will be ordered to withdraw from the Program. After successfully completing the Examination, the student becomes a Ph.D. candidate.
  3. 申請時間:每年三月及九月,依學程公告時間為準。
    Application time: March and September, subject to the announcement of the Program.

三、專題演講時數 Proof of listening hours to special lecture

  1. 學位考試前必須完成36小時,請先至系辦認證,並上傳認證表單。 
    You must complete 36 hours before applying for the degree exam. Please go to the department for certification and upload the certification form.

四、國際研討會參展證明 International conference exhibitor certificate

  1. 學位考試前至少一次國際研討會發表口頭論文或壁報論文之證明文件。
    At least one proof of the report before applying for the degree exam, in the form of oral or poster, in an international conference.
