





  近幾年我們專注在一群新穎C3H鋅指蛋白質(CCCH zinc finger)家族成員,發現在人類大腸直腸癌組織中,某些C3H鋅指蛋白質的基因表現低落;某些又過度表現。因此,我們以分子生物學的方法來探討這些C3H鋅指蛋白質在腫瘤生長過程中所扮演的角色。


l   細胞培養(Cell culture)
l   Western blot
l   Real-time PCR 
l   裸鼠異位移植腫瘤模式 (Nude Mice Xenograft Tumor Models)
l   基因剪接工程
l   蛋白激酶活性分析 (Protein Kinase Activity Assay)
l   EMSA
l   Flow cytometry
l   蛋白體學之二維蛋白質電泳 (Two-dimensional Electrophoresis)

代表性論文: (*通訊作者)

1. Lee WH, Lin RJ, Lin SY, Chen YC, Lin HM, Liang YC*. Osthole enhances glucose uptake through activation of AMP-activated protein kinase in skeletal muscle cells. J Agric Food Chem. 2011 Dec 28;59(24):12874-81. (*通訊作者)

2. 1. Liu LY, Huang WJ, Lin RJ, Lin SY, Liang YC*. (2013) N-hydroxycinnamide derivatives of osthole presenting genotoxicity and cytotoxicity against human colon adenocarcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo. Chem Res Toxicol. 2013 Nov 18;26(11):1683-91.

3. Lin RJ, Chu JS, Chien HL, Tseng CH, Ko PC, Mei YY, Tang WC, Kao YT, Cheng HY, Liang YC*, Lin SY*. MCPIP1 suppresses hepatitis C virus replication and negatively regulates virus-induced proinflammatory cytokine responses. J Immunol., 2014 Oct 15;193(8):4159-68.

4. Suk FM, Lin SY, Lin RJ, Hsine YH, Liao YJ, Fang SH and Liang YC* (2015) Bortezomib inhibits Burkitt’s lymphoma cell proliferation by downregulating sumoylated hnRNP K and c-Myc expression. Oncotarget, 2015 Sep 22;6(28):25988-6001.

5. Chin LH, Hsu SP, Zhong WB and Liang YC* (2015) Involvement of cysteine-rich protein 61 in the epidermal growth factor-induced migration of human anaplastic thyroid cancer cells. Mol Carcinogenesis, 2016 May;55(5):622-32.